
Essential Summer Hair Care Tips

Essential Summer Hair Care Tips

Summer is here and the mighty sun is all ready to shower his heat wrath on us. So, pick your shields and get ready to protect your hair from the heat without turning it into an endless battle.

We all are well-aware of the harm that the hot summer sun can do to our skin. Not just hair, the heat can wreak equal havoc on your hair as well.

Follow these simple tips and keep your hair healthy and happy all summer long.


Bring out your hats and scarves

Don’t forget to use a scarf or hat to cover your head when out in the sun. This not only provides UV protection but also retains moisture in the scalp. Using a hat can also protect your hair from damage caused due to wind especially if your hair is prone to tangling.


Say no to cosmetics

The sun’s heat can make your hair dry and thus it is advisable to not indulge in any kinds of hair treatments or hair coloring during summer.


 Don’t forget to condition your hair

As the heat is known to make your hair frizzy and dry during summer.  Make sure you use a conditioner that suits your hair type. You could also go for natural hair conditioners like apple cider vinegar, yogurt, eggs, honey, etc.


Time for some Noni Juice

Noni Juice can do wonders for your hair. Compounds like glycerol and butyric acids found in noni play a great role in improving overall hair health. It only strengthens your hair follicles but also prevents hair fall.  You could also buy noni leaven online, which is the pure extract of Hawaiian Noni fruit. It is medicinally the most effective variety of Noni fruit.

Alternate-day wash theory

In the scorching heat, you would surely want to wash your hair every day. Refrain yourself from doing so as frequent washing robs your scalp of all its natural oils. It’s better to wash your hair three days a week or every alternate day.

 It’s Oil time

Don’t raise your eyebrows! You need all those oil massages even in summer. Massage your scalp with any oil of your choice (coconut, olive, jojoba, almond) and provide the nourishment your hair needs. 

Happy Hair, Happy You!